Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Training on how to journal (22 Mar) - FAQ 1

There were about 35 people signed up and about half of them have not done journalling before. The other half wanted to sharpen their journalling skill.

I have arranged for another class to be done on 5 Apr. Please sign up if you need help.

I noted some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) in this class which may be of help to you:

FAQ 1. I have tried journalling for one month and I am loosing momentum. What do you think is wrong?

Answer: I simply blurted out: "Are you sharing with others what God is saying to you and written down in your journal during your devotion?" Often times words would come out from my mouth which contain certain wisdom which I know has to be from the Lord because it comes out almost spontaneously and when I catch my breath after that question, I could almost hear myself saying, "Where did that come from?" :)

I really believe the key to sustainability is the sharing and doing. When we can share with others what God is saying to us, there's a greater tendency to do it as well since we have just made ourselves accountable to someone. Sharing and doing bring to life the Word of God and devotion and journalling become dynamic.

I want to suggest that you find different platforms to share:
a. Cell Group time - volunteer yourself to share with the group (Keep it short! Don't preach a sermon)
b. Ask your CG leader to allow for weekly sharing of one key journal entry in sub-groups of two or three during CG time.
c. Your spouse or children on a regular basis.
d. Prayer or ministry group, men's or women's group, if you have one.
e. Seek out an accountability partner and share regularly over the phone or meet in person.'
f. Those who are internet savvy, blog it or email your thoughts to a group of friends who will read what you write. Again, keep it short.

A sister shared after the class that her family was rather confused in the what's and how's of journalling. She felt that the class has been extremely helpful in these two aspects. She can now go home and help the family.

See how a little training and equipping can bring about a little more confidence and clarity!

Now Everyone Can Journal!

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