In my last regular fortnightly MAG meeting (Mentoring and Accountability Group - about 10 men), our discussion centered around a 'holy discontent' with the lack of discipline in journalling for some. They started well in the year and sort of waning currently. Statistically, this seems to be the case for the church as a whole as well. The spirit is willing but the flesh weak! This is where discipline and accountability steps in. This discontent resulted in strict accountability by holding each person accountable everyday for the next 30 days. We caution each other that although we are to guard against legalism, we also recognize the need for harsh discipline "No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize." (1 Co 9:27)
The idea is not so much the task of journalling but spending regular daily time with God everyday. An indispensable manna from heaven which is sufficient for each day Because we are by nature lazy and the sinful body resist what is spiritual and good (Romans 7), we will always be in that battle between our spirit and our flesh. This is where being a part of the Body of Christ means, that we are to help and encourage one another. This would include rebuking, correcting and encouraging when necessary.
So as of 26 Sep, we devise a system of accountability for five men who seriously want to do something about their daily time with God. A will sms B when he has done his journalling. B will likewise do the same to C, and C to D, and finally D to E.
E will then sms me, being the leader of this MAG. So I eagerly wait for a daily sms from E, which to their benefit, I have been receiving an sms everyday from E since 26 Sep, that is now almost two weeks! Well done, brothers!
Something more interesting is this. B cannot sms C (and so on in the chain) until these two conditions are fulfilled.
1. B has received an sms from A.
2. B has himself done his journaling.
This chain can only be completed when everyone fulfill the two conditions. This means, anyone not doing his part will break the chain. The pressure is on, but it is a good pressure.
Someone else in the MAG, F, who himself has found journalling an enriching experience, decides to throw in a further encouraging incentive. I will forward E's daily sms to F everytime I receive it. If F receives this everyday for 30 days, he will take us all out for a big makan (feast)!
Now, that's the most encouraging and generous gesture yet!
In fact, a group of leaders from one subzone in PJ North 1 who heard this testimony in our leaders' meeting last Tuesday, decided to give this sms accountability system a go. It has worked for them now in the last four days. I hope they will keep it up for 30 days!
So, help yourself, spend daily time God!
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