Saturday, April 20, 2013
Marketplace Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for creating the world and all that is in it. Thank You for creating us in Your image, calling us to be fruitful and to be faithful stewards of Your creation. You did not give us our business to take us away from our relationship with YOU, or our SPOUSE and FAMILY. Remind us that our business is simply Your gift to us, at this time, to deliver Your provision. Give us the faith to believe this and the ability to trust You.
Father, would You draw each of us into a closer and deeper personal walk with You? So that we can hear Your voice and truly let You guide us as You promised.
We pray that You would give us an understanding of Your eternal prospect regarding our work in this life and help us see the impact of our choices on our eternal consequences and rewards. You trust us with this business, and we have the responsibility to steward it well and to use it for Your glory.
Father, please enable us to live an integrated life 24 hours 7 days a week and 365 days every year under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. So that who we are on Sunday is the same person that our colleagues, customers and suppliers see the rest of the week.
Lord, help us to recognize that our calling to lead a business is just as sacred as the role of the pastor or the missionary. Make us good soil for Your Word, so that the worries of this life and the lure of wealth and desire for things will not prevent us from producing kingdom fruit that remains.
Please deliver us from the pride that prevents us from hearing Your voice, and seeking Godly counsel.
Father, the business environment often draws us to worldly behavior. Strengthen us in our resolve to do business Your way. Enable us to behave and perform in such a way that we dispel the commonly held lie that business is about greed and selfishness. Help the community to recognize that business is about meeting needs and serving others.
Would You help our nation to overcome the lie of the devil that 'religion is personal and should be kept private'. Help us practice the truth of Jesus' assignment to 'go and make disciples', and Peter's admonition to be ready to explain the hope we have. So that all people will have the opportunity to hear Your word, and see You at work.
Help us to never use people to build our businesses, but rather help us to get better and better at using our businesses to build people; helping them to grow into all You intend for them.
Father, we want to change the world by bringing the Kingdom of God to the marketplace. Help our influence on colleagues, customers, suppliers and other associates result in salvation, sanctification and service as we cooperate with You to build stronger members of Your church.
Lastly, we long to hear You say to us:
‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen!